About Us

The Open Connections GmbH was founded in Oldenburg, Germany in 2013 by two OFFIS employees, Michael Onken and Dr. Marco Eichelberg. OFFIS is a research institute in Oldenburg and offers, besides others, the DICOM toolkit DCMTK since the 1990ies. Around this, activities like DICOM consulting and training and software development have developed and extended to the area of IHE. The founding of the Open Connections should make it easier to offer professional services in those areas since OFFIS as a non-profit organization cannot offer all kind of industry service for various reasons.

Open Connections offers its services in close collaboration with OFFIS. Also, another former OFFIS employee and DCMTK developer, Jörg Riesmeier, is supporting all DICOM activities in Oldenburg as a freelancer.